Club News Archives | SI Chester A Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland Club website Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:56:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Our First Orange Café Event Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:56:49 +0000 As most Soroptimists know, the 25th of each month has been designated ‘orange the world...

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As most Soroptimists know, the 25th of each month has been designated ‘orange the world day’ by the United Nations.

It is the day when we draw attention to their worldwide campaign ‘Say NO -UNITE to end violence against Women and Girls by 2023.

Many clubs have started to hold an ‘Orange Café’ on the 25th of the month and we held our first event in the café at the Grosvenor Garden Centre on the 25th of October.

We were all dressed in orange jumpers and at least one lady did ask why we were dressed in orange. Future events are being planned during the 16 Days of Activism. These events may not always be held at the same venue, so do please check with us if you would like to visit our Orange Café.

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Visits by members – Ness Botanical Gardens, National Arboretum Sun, 30 Jul 2023 21:05:37 +0000 This blog tells about our member visits to the National Memorial Arboretum & Ness Botanical...

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This blog tells about our member visits to the National Memorial Arboretum & Ness Botanical Garden. Club members from SI Chester took advantage of the beautiful weather in June to arrange some visits as a social event for members and family and friends to spend time together and went to the National Memorial Arboretum & Ness Botanical Gardens.

The first visit was to the National Arboretum in Staffordshire. In 2021 a Soroptimist Memorial was added to the Arboretum. Our club President Wendy, and Region President Susan were there, and Susan explained how the day went:


Visit of Club Members to the National Arboretum, at the Soroptimist Memorial

“A memorable day out at the National Arboretum was had by 35 Region members who travelled there by coach on Saturday 17 June 2023.  Wendy and Susan made up the SI Chester contingent, as well as members as far-flung as Llandudno to Northwich and to Ellesmere Port.

It was a beautiful sunny day which enhanced our walks around the stunningly beautiful grounds, housing some 450 monuments to the forces and service industries.  Wendy and I ‘saved our legs – and hips’ by firstly taking the tractor train to get our bearings on the vast site.  It was well worth it as the guided tour pointed out special monuments and we were later able to visit on foot.

Of course, we couldn’t go there and not visit the Soroptimist monument (pictured) and see the surrounding gardens cared for by SI Tamworth.  The largest memorial is to that of the Armed Forces  and commemorates those who have died since 1948. Over 16,000 names are recorded on the memorial including those who have been killed whilst on duty, died in operational theatre or were targeted by terrorists. The names on the hundreds of panels are recorded in the same way, first by year, then by service – Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force, then in date order. Over 15,000 names were carved by computer when the memorial was created.

There is space on the empty panels for 15,000 more names. Since 2007, the names have been engraved by hand on the memorial on a yearly basis.

We had lunch in The Square surrounded by glorious planting, the Chapel and the trill of water.  My memory of it will be the peace and respect it affords.”

Another visit was more local, when a number of members visited Ness Botanical Gardens in Wirral, and here Joyce tells us how it went:

Visit to Ness Gardens

“Six members of the Chester SI  plus some family visited Ness Gardens for the first of our 23/24 social calendar events.   Ness Botanical Gardens is the University of Liverpool Botanical Gardens site and covers 65 acres of mixed fauna, and habitats.

The members spent a happy couple of hours ambling around including the meadows with a view over the River Dee, the kitchen garden for tips on vegetables and fruits (for our President who is a keen gardener), and the general beautiful gardens with waterfalls and lots of beautiful trees and plants, practicing mindfulness in some cases. We then enjoyed the obligatory tea and cake after the wander around.”



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£1500 raised to support education sponsorship Mon, 19 Jun 2023 18:38:38 +0000 £1500 raised to support education sponsorship in a walking challenge.  Soroptimists completed a walking challenge...

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£1500 raised to support education sponsorship in a walking challenge.  Soroptimists completed a walking challenge to sponsor a woman’s education in Cambodia and raised around £1500.

Eight club members from the Soroptimist International Club of Chester, one friend, one Soroptimister and at least two dogs spent the month of May walking in all weathers and at all hours of the day and evening, to complete the challenge of covering 100 miles each in order to raise money to change someone’s life.  We are aiming to provide enough money to support a young woman from Cambodia in her university education Supporting Education for Chanta in Cambodia | Blog | SI Chester ( with the help of Cambodian Community Dream Organization

We are thrilled to confirm that we all did it! (including the dogs). We raised over £1100 through Just Giving plus a number of cash donations.

Soroptimists from Chester do sponsored walking challenge

In addition, Geraldine raised an additional sum of £289 through her extra challenge of completing the Manchester 10K run.

Member successfully completed sponsored 10K run

All in all, we’ve raised an amazing amount that surpassed our expectations and we are well on the way to sponsoring our Cambodian student for the first two years of her university course.

Huge thanks to all our sponsors and well done to all the walkers (in particular the dogs). We have been nursing sore feet (and paws) as we bask in the warm glow of success of raising £1500 to support the sponsorship in a walking challenge of the education of Chanta and we are now enjoying a well-deserved G &T or, for some, a very large dog biscuit.

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Supporting Education for Chanta in Cambodia Sat, 13 May 2023 16:01:17 +0000 A group of our Club members are each walking 100 miles in May to raise...

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A group of our Club members are each walking 100 miles in May to raise £800 so that Chanta Savey, a 19-year-old Cambodian student, can pursue her dream of a university education.

Chanta lives in one of the villages around Siem Reap in Cambodia, supported by the Cambodian Community Dream Organization Cambodian Community Dream Organisation (CCDO), a charity making a huge difference to the lives of impoverished families through education and empowerment. On a visit to the CCDO in February, one of our members – Carole – spoke to village women who are turning their lives around and raising themselves up out of grinding poverty. She saw their children attending school and witnessed the pride, new-found confidence and sheer joy in the women’s faces as they described their achievements and future hopes.

She spoke of how moving and humbling it was, and she was also very impressed by the dedication and commitment of the all-Cambodian CCDO ground team. She wanted to help and SI Chester was immediately supportive. Women and girls’ education being a top priority for Soroptimists, we asked CCDO about sponsoring a young woman through higher education and they soon found a deserving candidate.

Chanta is a bright, promising high school student who desperately wants to go to university. This is completely out of her reach since her widowed mother’s only income to support the family is from selling mangoes at the market. Giving a girl like Chanta a university education will have a knock-on effect throughout her community. Not only will her future and that of her extended family be financially secure. The skills she learns will be passed on to others, she will be an inspiration to other young women and potentially open up new opportunities in education.


We will be carrying out a range of fundraising activities over the next few years, and the first activity is a walking challenge – a range of members, plus their friends and family members, have challenged themselves to each walk 100 miles in May.  The participants range in the 50s, 60s and 70s, fitting in long walks around work and other commitments.  We have set up a JustGiving Page and it would be wonderful if you could sponsor us, and help make Chanta’s dream a reality.


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Chester Soroptimists want to eliminate gender-based violence Fri, 02 Dec 2022 15:46:22 +0000 Soroptimists join organisations to eliminate gender-based violence. Chester Soroptimists want to see an end to...

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Soroptimists join organisations to eliminate gender-based violence.

Chester Soroptimists want to see an end to gender-based violence and work towards the elimination of gender-based violence including raising awareness of violence against women. SI Chester worked with other organisations in Chester including Chester Women’s Aid (CWA) to promote 16 Days of Activism in Chester.

The 16-day period from 25th November to10th December each year is used to highlight gender-based violence. 

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is marked every year around the world on 25th November, and is followed by 16 Days of Activism which ends on Human Rights Day on 10th December; a campaign to end gender-based violence and raise awareness that women are subjected to rape, domestic violence and other forms of violence, which is often hidden.


The 25th November is also designated ‘Orange the World’ Day and is led by the United Nations. The colour orange has been chosen by the UNiTE Campaign as a bright and optimistic colour, representing a future free from violence.

Activities in Chester


The campaign started on 25th November at Chester Suspension Queen’s Park Bridge, which was decorated with orange bows and a display of messages. At 1pm orange petals were thrown into the river from the bridge to remember women killed by domestic violence.


People on a bridge throwing petals

Members from Chester Women’s Aid, Sheriff of Chester Councillor Bob Rudd and the Lady Sheriff Sandra Rudd along with SI Chester members were present.  People on a bridge holding postersSI members visited shops on Eastgate Street asking them to display a poster in their windows during the 16 days to support our campaign to end violence against women; and to add an orange item from their stock to make an eye-catching window display.


From 11am on 27th November, SI Chester members were on Eastgate Street with a Shoe Installation. Shoes labelled with women's namesPeople talking in the street beside labelled shoesSoroptimists and a display in the street

The display represented women killed by men in the UK in 2020, using data from the Femicide Census. 79 pairs of shoes were labelled with the names of women killed in 2020.

SI Chester supported CWA with their bucket collection.

Choirs, Father Christmas, the vice Dean of Chester Cathedral, Cheshire Police, the Fire Service, the Mayor, dancers and a drum group all supported the day.

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Soroptimist Region Platinum Jubilee River Cruise Mon, 20 Jun 2022 18:19:51 +0000 The Soroptimist Region of Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral enjoyed an opportunity to celebrate Queen...

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The Soroptimist Region of Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral enjoyed an opportunity to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee on a river cruise, with afternoon tea and entertainment.

On Saturday, 11th June, a group of 40 Soroptimists from clubs in Cheshire, North Wales & Wirral ( enjoyed a social outing on the Lady Diana, meandering along the River Dee in Chester.



Members, dressed in red, white and blue or resplendent as Royalty (with lots of purple in evidence!), spent a relaxing three hours whilst indulging in afternoon tea and appreciating the lovely scenery, as the boat sailed down to the Iron Bridge at Eccleston.

Ironbridge River Dee





Entertainment consisted of a royal quiz which was won by Cherry Povall from SI Birkenhead, with questions such as How many grandchildren does the Queen have?  In what year was Prince Charles Born? What is the name of the head of the Royal Household?

There was also a raffle and prizes for the best-dressed royals:  Louise Parry (SI Northwich) and Pam Cheesley Hollinshead (SI Bebbington) were deserving winners.

The crew looked after us admirably and provided endless cups of tea, a well-stocked bar and a varied, delicious buffet.  Although we missed the morning regatta, there were still many boats and canoes on the river.  A commentary kept us informed of places of interest. Sadly, President Yvonne, whose idea it had been, could not be with us due to ill-health, and she was greatly missed at the Soroptimist Region Platinum Jubilee river cruise.






No one fell overboard and many said that they had thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing day.

women on boat in red white and blue

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New members welcomed in this month Fri, 17 Dec 2021 13:49:42 +0000 SI Chester was pleased to welcome two new members this month.  Pictured below with President...

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SI Chester was pleased to welcome two new members this month.  Pictured below with President Geraldine are Ceri with her ‘buddy’ Penny. Also joining is Pat with her ‘buddy’ Debbie. Having attended  a few taster meetings as guests they joined up and were presented with SI Chester badges and certificates.


President Geraldine with Ceri (left) and Penny (right)
President Geraldine with Pat (right) and Debbie (left)











Club members also held or wore Orange to recognise 16 days of activism against gender based violence


You can read more about us here and we are looking to recruit more members.

Join Us and help us to Make That Difference to Women and Girls worldwide




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Selling Christmas decorations for PCF at Tarvin Christmas Market Tue, 14 Dec 2021 11:30:45 +0000 Members from SI Chester were selling Christmas decorations for PCF at Tarvin Christmas Market. They...

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Members from SI Chester were selling Christmas decorations for PCF at Tarvin Christmas Market.

They raised money for the Purple Community Fund by selling Christmas decorations made from ring pulls. We have supported this charity for several years by collecting ring pulls and becoming agents for the sale of items made in Manila, Philippines.  PCF website

Members from SI Chester braved the elements on what can only be described as the coldest night on the planet. They unloaded the car in driving rain and set up a stall under a somewhat inadequate awning – inadequate in so far as the rain was swirling in very strong winds. The rain was swiftly followed by ice falling from the sky, making the road white and slippery and the awning collected the ice and sent it sliding down onto the stall and onto the heads of unlucky customers.

One by one stall holders packed up until just our stall was  left with one other hardy trader. They stuck out the bitter winds, rescued goods flying off the table, a glacial river flowing over their feet and a distinct lack of customers.

But it wasn’t all pain! The barber in the shop behind the stall plied them with free hot chocolate on a regular basis, some brave customers appeared and were unbelievably cheery (and generous!) and they kept warm by dancing to Christmas greatest hits.



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SI Chester joins with CWA to celebrate White Ribbon Day Mon, 22 Nov 2021 12:00:20 +0000 Join SI Chester and Chester Women’s Aid  in celebrating White Ribbon Day – the International...

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Join SI Chester and Chester Women’s Aid  in celebrating White Ribbon Day – the International Day committed to bringing an end to Male Violence Against Women and Girls and raising awareness of Domestic Abuse on Sunday 28th November 2021.
CWA are excited to welcome old friends Deva Victrix Beard and Moustache Club and Cheshire Fire and Rescue, and they thrilled to welcome new friends Pop Vox Choir and Womens Self Defense Ellesmere Port to join us for a day of fundraising and fun in the heart of our beautiful city.
If you would like to volunteer to help at the event (CWA are holding a bucket collection) or would like to pop by and have a chat, watch the wonderful Popvox perform or get a photo with Santa, please come and see us outside Debenhams by the Eastgate Clock between 11am and 3pm. We couldn’t do it without you.

To read more about our ongoing work with CWA click here.


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SI Chester Walked 500 Miles for Women in April Thu, 06 May 2021 18:56:35 +0000 In April, 5 members of SI Chester committed to walk 500 miles (100 miles each)...

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In April, 5 members of SI Chester committed to walk 500 miles (100 miles each) to celebrate Soroptimist International’s centenary since the first club was started (in 1921 in California). We were generously sponsored by family, friends and fellow club members in aid of Care International.

Care International is a leading charity who are a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to saving lives and ending poverty.  Women and girls are put in the centre because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

The 100 Mile Walk for Women in April was set up by Care International via Facebook and we could join a group of fellow walkers numbering over 7300 members! Altogether the walkers raised over £160,000 in the month of April – Well done to everyone that took part!

The 5 members of Chester who completed the challenge said what an amazing experience it had been for exercise, morale and contributing to such as amazing charity.

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