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What We Do

What We Do

Soroptimist International is a global organisation of women who work to transform the lives of women and girls worldwide.   It helps that we hold consultative rights at the United Nations and are recognised as a Non-Governmental organisation representing women.

SI Medway and Maidstone has been making a difference to the lives of women and girls locally, nationally and internationally since 1946. We achieve this through Programme Action work focused on education, empowering and enabling women and girls, awareness raising, advocacy and action and through local partnerships.


Membership of SI Medway and Maidstone gives an opportunity to:

  • Take part in local, national and international projects and fundraising to support women and girls
  • Enjoy service, friendship and fun with like-minded women
  • Lobby, influence and make a difference for women at home and abroad
  • Attend international and national conferences, meeting women from different countries and cultures

Review of programme action activity in 2021-22

At our AGM on 19 April a report of activity over the last 12 months was presented in a written report.


SI Medway and Maidstone Soroptimists currently support through service and programme action:

Locally – Byron Primary School, Plastic free Medway, Women’s Refuge, Medway Domestic Abuse Service, Medway Food Bank, Kent Association for Blind (KAB) Talking News, Carers First and Dementia Friendly – Maidstone

Nationally – Campaigns and projects to eliminate Human Trafficking, Blythswood Care Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Internationally – Amnesty International, Zisize, Education in Ethiopia, and SI Accra Kente Sashes


Programme Action Project Leads in 2022-23

We have identified project leads for each of the main projects.


‘What We Do’ Leaflet

Leaflet titled 'What We Do'