SI Winchester and District A Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland Club website Sun, 15 Oct 2023 12:35:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Members in the Limelight Sun, 15 Oct 2023 12:29:19 +0000 It’s always good to hear that members have additional strings to their bow, whether through...

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It’s always good to hear that members have additional strings to their bow, whether through work or volunteering and using their skills to enhance what they do and also promote Soroptimism at the same time.

A team from a Winchester charity was among a delegation of care providers attending a reception at No 10 Downing Street. The reception was to recognise and thank representatives from across the care sector for the work that they do. Brendoncare chief executive officer Marianne Wanstall invited Petya Koeva, housekeeper at Brendoncare Park Road and John Debil, nurse at Brendoncare Otterbourne Hill, and Annie Burisky, general manager of Brendoncare Stildon to join her at the reception, hosted by Helen Whateley MP, Minister for Social Care.

SI Winchester member Marianne added: “We had the opportunity to meet Helen Whateley and discuss topical issues, in particular the challenges regarding local authority funding levels and the importance of funding care at a level that ensures we can pay and reward our colleagues better.” The Brendoncare Foundation, a Winchester-based charitable organisation, provides care homes and community clubs for older people across the south of England

See more here in the Hampshire Chronicle

SI Winchester members Jean Edwardes and Doreen Davies used skills learned from their working days to take part in their local Whiteparish Garden and Hobbies Show. Jean studied Domestic Science at Bristol University’s Department of Women’s Studies (a very changed department in today’s world) and one of the numerous course was ‘Judging’. Over the years she has judged cookery/food sections at a variety of shows and competitions.

Along with Doreen, whose secretarial skills in shorthand makes it easy for Jean to comment on the entries. Doreen transcribes Jean’s comments for her to inform and advise competitors on their entries. Jean said, ‘I need someone to scribe for me as I like to give a comment or explanation why an entry has won or maybe what has gone wrong, so Doreen takes on this task’. A valuable community effort from both Soroptimists who gained their skills in the 1950s, and used them to promote good work and Soroptimism in 2023.

SI Winchester member Julie Blackwell was up for a Volunteer award with her fellow volunteer team from the D-Day Story in Portsmouth. An annual award from the British Museum, the Marsh Award goes to a volunteer team/person who have enhanced a specific exhibit in their museum. The D-Day Story team won the South East region award for their tours which are given on the LCT 7074 (survivor Landing Craft Tank which landed on D-Day Gold Beach) and were presented with a certificate and a £500 cash prize.

They underwent several weeks of training and workshops to get the right content to present the ship to the public. It is on display outside the D-Day Story in Portsmouth and is part of the museum’s outdoor exhibit. Inside the Museum is where the Overlord Embroidery is featured, along with a walk through exhibit and interactive experience of D-Day itself.

Cllr Steve Pitt of Portsmouth City Council, who own the Museum said, ‘Congratulations to the team at the D-Day Story on winning this prestigious award. Thanks to their ideas and passion, we can all embark on an enlightening journey into the history of the landing craft – an iconic landmark on our seafront.’

See more here in the Portsmouth News

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Harvest Supper and Quiz Sun, 01 Oct 2023 14:22:12 +0000 Winchester Soroptimists held their Harvest Supper and quiz for Solar Aid on 30 September at...

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Winchester Soroptimists held their Harvest Supper and quiz for Solar Aid on 30 September at Littleton memorial Hall. The event was one of many which we hold to support our different charities. 35 people took  part and the quiz was superbly run by members Ellie and Helen.

A cash bar and raffle were also held which proved popular. As we support the Winnall Community Pantry, guests were invited to bring donations for distribution after the event. This was very well supported and will be delivered to the pantry this week.

The food on offer mid-quiz was a ‘Posh Ploughmans’ and members supplied cold meats and cheeses, salads, bread and magnificent desserts.

Richard Turner from Solar Aid had come to speak to the club recently and gave an update on their lighting progress. Starting off with individual solar lamps, which are supplied to low income families in sub Saharan Africa at a nominal cost, the plan is to develop the lights to illuminate whole villages and communities. This enables them to continue work/study and provide medical services where electricity is difficult to install. As Solar Aid states, ‘Together, we can make sure that no home, no school, no clinic in Africa is left in the dark by 2030’.

At the end of the event the funds raised were £400 for the charity. Julie Blackwell, treasurer said, ‘People’s generosity knows no bounds, especially when enjoying a community event together. This will help Solar Aid with their ongoing development’.

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Harvest Quiz for Solar Aid Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:42:08 +0000 Momentum is gathering for the Harvest Quiz. A fun way to create funds for one...

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Momentum is gathering for the Harvest Quiz. A fun way to create funds for one of our charities, the event is on Saturday 30 September 7pm and all are welcome.

You don’t have to be in a team as we can allocate spaces on the day. There will be a ploughman’s supper with dessert and a cash bar along with the usual raffle prizes. The ticket price is £16 per person.

The location is Littleton Memorial Hall which has plenty of parking and easy access. Please use the Eventbrite link where possible  but it is also possible to buy a ticket directly by contacting the club on

We have supported Solar Aid for many years and by growing their work they are now planning to light a whole village with their solar lights.

In addition to this you are invited to bring a tin or non-perishable goods to donate to our local Community Pantry.

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Marianne awarded the Order of the League of Mercy Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:46:36 +0000 It’s always an honour to mention members who have been rewarded for their actions. Winchester...

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It’s always an honour to mention members who have been rewarded for their actions. Winchester member Marianne Wanstall was awarded the Order of Mercy on 28 July 2023 for  35 years of volunteering with the charity Across. The Order is awarded by the League of Mercy, a charity that seeks to encourage and recognise voluntary work within areas of care including the sick, disabled, young people at risk, the homeless, elderly and dying.

Each year the Trustees of the League choose around 25 volunteers from a range of nominations made by charities and other recognised organisations; volunteers receive the Badge of the Order of Mercy (as shown in the attached photo).

Marianne said,  ‘I was very honoured to receive this award; I have been volunteering for Across since the age of 18 and it has always been a joy and a privilege; I am especially grateful to the many fellow volunteers I have met along the way who have added to the experience.’

Watch out for more news of members, if you’d like to know more about us then email

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Friendship Link visit – SI Kisumu Sat, 05 Aug 2023 10:42:17 +0000 The Friendship Link visit from nine Soroptimist members (and one husband) from SI Kisumu finally...

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The Friendship Link visit from nine Soroptimist members (and one husband) from SI Kisumu finally happened on 31 July. This had been almost a year in the planning when their club decided that after attending the Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin in July 2023, they would travel on to visit us in Winchester.

The Friendship Link started when SI Winchester helped fund a nursery in Kisumu over 10 years ago. Over the years the nursery has grown to include a

Primary and Secondary school. SI Winchester has helped with projects over time and more recently funded a new kitchen with more environmentally and safer ovens. This means the children can have nutritional meals at school whereas they may not have the same at home. In this way it helps the less ell of families in the community. The school was named the SI Winchester Smiling School.

We were able to offer member accommodation for seven of the party with others staying in a local hotel; planned an itinerary for them and sent the details to them. Overseas visits in a group take some planning so we were delighted when this actually happened.

The weather was not seasonal, rainy ,as it had been for them in Dublin but we were able to make the most of the time together. After being met by their hosts and enjoying lunch at a member’s home we took them to town for a one hour tour. This was taken by Karen Dagwell who has looked after us before. They were most fascinated by King Alfred and the fact that Winchester was once the capital of England, before London. They also enjoyed the tales of the beautiful chalk streams and then heard fabulous stories of Mary Tudor’s wedding celebrations at Wolvesey Castle.


That evening members and guests enjoyed a supper at a member’s home. The following day there was a walking tour of Alresford by one of the member’s husbands and other visits were organised by individual hosts. The evening

was greatly anticipated with a reception at Abbey House (the Mayor’s parlour), hosted by Mayor Angela Clear, who said, ‘I really enjoyed the ladies’ visit and hearing about Kenya and the Friendship Link between Kisumu and Winchester’.  Our guests were also given a tour of Abbey House by the Mayor and drinks and canapés were enjoyed by all. The ladies from Kisumu were wearing their beautiful yellow outfits and glorious headdresses.

After the reception it was dinner in St Lawrence Parish room. The food came from COOK which meant we only had to put it in the oven! The room was setup and the tables were dressed. As all members of the club were there, there was a total of 30 for the meal. It was a great success, one of the Kisumu ladies saying, ‘Winchester was the highlight of the whole trip. Even though I enjoyed the Convention, Winchester was the best’.

During the meal members of both Kisumu and Winchester introduced themselves and everyone all round was thanked for the visit and gifts were exchanged. The group left the next morning on 2 August for various destinations in the UK.

You can find out more about Soroptimists by emailing

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Rededication of the 43rd Division Association Memorial Arboretum Thu, 03 Aug 2023 15:52:30 +0000 The widow of Bill Edwardes, Jean, is a member of SI Winchester. Bill served in...

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The widow of Bill Edwardes, Jean, is a member of SI Winchester. Bill served in the 43rd Wessex Division in the war and also formed the 43rd Division Association. On a sunny day in May 2023 the rededication of the Division Arboretum and the memorial plaque was made at Longleat House. We are delighted that Jean was able to play a part in this rededication.

The last two known survivors of the Division were joined by Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, (who as Earl of Wessex was Patron of the 43rd Wessex Division), Lord Lieutenant Mrs Sarah Troughton, the High Sheriff Mr Pradeep Bhardwaj and Lord and Lady Bath.

The exhortation was read by 98 year old Ken Hay of the Dorsetshire Regment and the Kohima Epitaph was read by 99 year old Cecil Newton of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards. The Duke of Edinburgh went on to plant a tree, grown from an acorn from the ‘Royal Oak’ on the estate which was planted by King George III in 1789.

A painting of the Division’s most hard won battle honour, Hill 112, in Normandy, was presented to Col McDade by Jean Edwardes, who formed the 43rd Division. Col McDade said, ‘We will make sure that the memory of the 43rd Wessex Division is not forgotten. We will keep the 43rd Division flame alive.’

The 43rd Wessex Division formed from the Territorial Army battalions of the southwest, including the 4th and 5th Battalions of the Wiltshire Regiment. The DCLI, Devon and Dorset’s Gloucester’s and Worcester’s became known as the fighting Wessex Wyverns.

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Sizzling start to Soroptimist Summer Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:00:50 +0000 Soroptimists of Winchester have had a great start to the summer, with three events over...

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Soroptimists of Winchester have had a great start to the summer, with three events over the last few weeks. Starting off in June with the picnic for the families and children of the local Refuge, members donated tasty picnic food, laid out in the shade next to the play area in St Swithuns School. As always students help us and play games with the children. Thanks go to the school chaplain Paul Wallington, the students and the school for their support.

At the end of June fundraising started with a car boot sale in the Cattle Market car park in Winchester. It’s a great opportunity to meet people, talk about what the charity does, which is support Women and Girls, and raise funds in the process. Myra, Helen, Julie and Eleanor  helped at the tables. The funds raised go towards the local charities we support in Winchester. On 6 August we shall be doing the same again with hopefully as good weather as we had on this occasion.

At the beginning of July the Hat Fair took over the centre of Winchester and the Soroptimist tent was in Abbey Gardens. This was a fortuitous location as the Soroptimists had established the sensory garden for the blind behind Abbey House as long ago as 1975. It was re-dedicated in 1999 and it was good to see how the garden is enjoyed by the public. The Hat Fair was a great success with many people enquiring as to what the Soroptimists do. Julie Blackwell said, ‘Abbey Gardens was full of people and performers giving a holiday air to the day. We were one of two charity stands in the gardens and as our colours are prominent we were very noticeable. We like that.’

To finish our presentation to the Winchester Hospice, the bench we dedicated now has some colourful cushions. Simon Cramp, who looks after the Psalm 23 Garden there said, ‘They are really just what we needed and have already attracted plenty of appreciative comments.’

You can find out more about Winchester Soroptimists by emailing

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Filiz Celik – a former Turkish refugee Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:24:58 +0000 Filiz Celik is a former Turkish refugee and came to the UK over 20 years...

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Filiz Celik is a former Turkish refugee and came to the UK over 20 years ago. She spoke to us at our meeting on 17 July and told us her story. Back in 1999 she was a graduate student from a Turkish University. She was unable to take up a post in Turkey because of views expressed at an international conference.

She admits she was fortunate that her family were able to help her, provide a passport and ensure she reached the UK. She took a position as an au pair in Hampshire, which is how Winchester member Gina came to know her. She was looking after two young boys for the vicar and living in the Rectory. She then sought asylum.

She succeeded through various refugee support agencies in getting support to do a PhD in the UK and now holds two posts. One as a lecturer at Swansea University and one in the NHS as a clinician in psychiatry.

She is a Muslim of a minority branch not often known about, the Alevi Muslim of which the population is about 10%. She told us that it was impossible for her to do what she wanted to do in her country because of the majority Sunni authorities. The Alevis agree in gender equality and have very open minds. She still has her parents and four sisters living in Turkey. They have been able to visit, but she is still unable to hold a position in the country.

Recently Filiz has been active in raising funds for the Turkish earthquake victims.

If you wish to find out more about Soroptimist International Winchester please email us on

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Winnall Community Pantry Tue, 27 Jun 2023 15:47:12 +0000 On 19 June we took our supper meeting at the Winnall Community Pantry, known locally...

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On 19 June we took our supper meeting at the Winnall Community Pantry, known locally as the foodbank for the area. Like other foodbanks in this social climate they have seen an increase in their clients and families coming for help. It started in covid helping single parent families. As part of our attendance at the pantry club members brought donations for the stores.

Winchester Community Food Pantry enables members to get more for less. The pantry aims to help and encourage families that need a little bit of support to manage and budget through these tough times. Anyone is welcome to shop at the pantry once a week – there are no criteria for becoming a member.

The Pantry is part of a community space which also houses a space for arts, dance and support. Each client becomes a member and they pay £5 a week to receive about £15 worth of food. They have a constant turnover of food donated by the supermarkets and they provide for 300 families per month.

The pantry initiative is designed to support people with food deprivation, helping them to escape or move on from their current emergency with a ‘helping hand’ approach.

Every day there is a meal deal available.

At the moment it is part funded by the local Council but it is likely that this will come to an end, so they are looking to increase their own income by attending events to create awareness and attract donations.

If you wish to find out more about Soroptimist International Winchester please email us on


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Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They? Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:26:49 +0000 Starting in 2017, the aim of this project is to provide an independent review across England of...

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Starting in 2017, the aim of this project is to provide an independent review across England of how Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts should be improved for victims of abuse, the majority of whom are women.

The project has been carried out by Soroptimists across England and involved c4,000 hours of volunteer time in observations and in excess of 1,000 questionnaires were submitted in relation to observations made at over 30 courts. Members from SI Winchester together with SI Solent East covered Basingtoke and Portsmouth courts. The final report (of four) is now available and the collective reports together come very close to being a comprehensive report on the way in which the Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts are working on a national basis.

Soroptimists stand up as advocates for all women, especially for those who have no voice. We have worked as independent observers to give the public confidence in our courts, but we also want to drive improvement and our recommendations seek to help build public trust in our justice system.

A full copy of the 2022 report is available at

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