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Woking Soroptimists support a range of initiatives.  We provide practical help, we raise awareness about organisations and causes and we put on events to raise funds.

We currently have two specialist groups, in line with the national Federation’s programme; Women Against Violence (VAWG) and Climate Action.

Some of the local charities we support:

Shifa, the Project for Asian Women’s Wellbeing, which does a great deal for local women.  Woking Soroptimists help Shifa’s clients to improve their English.  We aim to boost the confidence of women who may just have arrived in Woking or who need to improve their speaking skills.  Feeling competent and confident when speaking in all sorts of settings is key to getting on in life.

Liaise Women’s Centre, a small but very active venture that offers a safe and supportive environment for women in Woking.  One of our members is a highly-appreciated member of the Liaise Women’s Group Management Committee.

Your Sanctuary, the charity in Surrey that helps all those who have suffered domestic abuse.

International projects we support:

We have a special Friendship Link with the Soroptimist International Clubs in Durban and Pretoria/Tshwane.

We fund a special project in Pretoria/Tshwane.  More

We support the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.  The hospital needs knitted blanket for the patients.

The Soroptimist International President’s special project – ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ that focuses on education for girls.  More