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Thank you, Volunteers

Thank you, Volunteers

More than forty volunteers from various organisations and groups across Aberdeen gathered in the city's Town House at a Civic Reception to meet up with the Lord and Lady Provost. The Lord Provost spoke about the welcome and kindness that the citizens of Aberdeen have shown to the many refugees settling here from Ukraine, and of his appreciation of and gratitude to all those volunteers who helped to equip and set up homes for the refugee families. Seven club members who had assisted in sorting out and organising many of the donations of homeware, attended the reception, chatted to the Lord and Lady Provost and went on to enjoy tea and cake.  
Welcome to Belfast

Welcome to Belfast

At the end of October the city of Belfast, Northern Ireland, was host to more than 500 members of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) from around the world, including 7 of our club members, who gathered for our 88th Federation Conference in the International Convention Centre. A variety of speakers talked passionately about a range of current issues and projects as part of the theme 'Climate for Change'. The inspiring talks covered voluntary work in education to establish first, a school and then a community centre in Kosovo, setting up environmental film and impact festivals in the global south, how to combat 'Hype' in science and technology in the media and helping us to find solutions to the climate crisis facing our planet. A representative of the British Red Cross spoke of their programmes shaping and leading the response to the global
Pants to Poverty

Pants to Poverty

In 2010 following her work as a volunteer in Africa and inspired by the words of Mahatma Ghandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world", Maria Macnamara MBE founded the charity Smalls for All which operates from a base in Scotland and collects underwear to give to adults and children in need in Africa and in the UK. A volunteer and representative of the charity spoke to club members about its work to send various pieces of underwear to those living in orphanages and refugee camps, as well as to schools, women's refuges and to hospital patients with medical conditions such as obstetric fistula. It sends to as many as 54 countries, making a huge difference to the lives of women and girls. The organisation also receives many requests for underwear from UK charities helping them to alleviate poverty in this country.
Successful Return to Bonnymuir

Successful Return to Bonnymuir


Saturday 21st May, a beautiful sunny morning, saw us gather again at the lovely Bonnymuir Garden for our plant and craft sale. Business was brisk for a few hours and popular purchases were Nasturtiums, Nicotianas and Night Scented Stock as well as herbs, tomatoes, peppers and chillies. The children were particularly interested in the Sunflowers. Greeting cards and other craft items also sold well. Visitors enjoyed coffee and home bakes in the sunshine of the garden and it was good to talk to them about the plants and Soroptimism. Proceeds from the event will be distributed to Grampian Women’s Aid, Marie Curie and Mental Health Aberdeen.

Celebrating 100 years of Soroptimist International

Celebrating 100 years of Soroptimist International

Scottish Soroptimists were delighted that Rona Mackay MSP hosted a Soroptimist Centenary reception in the Scottish Parliament on 7th December. Due to continuing Covid restrictions in Scotland numbers were limited to 55 which included 32 soroptimists from Scottish Clubs. SI President Elect Maureen, SIGBI President Cathy and President Elect Ruth attended along with other invited guests from organisations that soroptimists in Scotland link in their work to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. By viewing the exhibition and presentations the guests which included other MSPs, were impressed with the range of work that soroptimists in Scotland undertake. New contacts with MSPs and invited guests were made while launching the new Scotland, UN and SIGBI history banners.  
Trees, trees, trees

Trees, trees, trees


A centenary legacy tree was planted in the grounds of the former Soroptimist Housing Association development at Beechgrove Terrace in Aberdeen. The tree is Sorbus “Joseph Rock” a medium sized tree with fantastic yellow berries in the autumn along with amazing white flowers backed by green leaves which turn a deep red in autumn. The tree marks not only the centenary of Soroptimist International but also the transfer of the development to Osprey Housing Ltd.

Craftivism for COP26

Craftivism for COP26

We have been busy knitting and sewing to make panels for the Stitches for Survival project at COP26. We are contributing our crafted panels towards the 1.5 miles of climate messages, representing the 1.5 degree target in the Paris Agreement. The panels will be joined together making a huge scarf which will be displayed at COP26. Its aim is to urge world leaders to take bold and binding action to stop the devastating climate havoc and ecological breakdown across the world.   After COP26 the scarf will be repurposed into blankets for refugees and other communities who need them. Some of the more creative sections will be kept for an exhibition, and be used for ongoing campaigning. Soroptimist clubs all over Scotland are taking part in this important project and sending out a clear and strong message that we must protect our planet NOW.